Open Your Mind to Pouch Swimwear

I love
wearing my pouch swimwear out to the beach on the weekends but I have gotten
the feeling that there are some people out there that don’t agree with them all
that much. I have noticed that there are certain individuals that seem to think
I am a pervert or something simply because I enjoy wearing swimwear of this
design. I understand that they tend to show off my body a bit more than other
swimwear does, but that is all part of the excitement of wearing a pouch.
Besides, I am hiding the most vulnerable parts of my body.


I could
understand people being disturbed by my wearing of pouch swimwear if I had a
body that didn’t look good in them. I would be disturbed by seeing someone like
that wearing them as well, but I spend a lot of time working out and keeping
myself in shape so that I can look good in skimpier swimwear. I guess they just
haven’t opened their minds enough to realize that guys can wear sexy swimwear
just like women can. Either that or they are just jealous because they know
they wouldn’t be able to look as good as I do in my swimwear.

Whatever the
reason is for people not enjoying it when they see me wearing pouch swimwear, I
am still going to do it. Unless the beach patrol shows up and drags me off
telling me that I have to wear something else, I will continue to wear my pouch
with pride. I think people have to stand up for what they believe in and this
type of swimwear is definitely something that I believe in wearing. Whether or
not you think I should be wearing it is of no concern to me and, therefore, I
will not change my habits to make you happy.