Accepting Pouch Swimwear

Accepting Pouch Swimwear

I have often
wondered what my friends would think of me going out to the beach wearing my
pouch swimwear. I am sure they would think that I had lost my mind or
something, especially when you consider just how much I would be showing off.
I’m not trying to brag or anything, but I have a rather large cock and my pouch
doesn’t really do a lot to hide it from view. They would most likely get a bit
jealous of what I was showing off and probably embarrassed as well since I have
seen what they have to offer.

Of course I
would have to convince them that wearing a pouch swimwear design out to the
beach would be a good idea to begin with. My friends probably wouldn’t even let
me go with them if they knew what I was planning on wearing ahead of time. I
guess I could always sneak my pouch with me and wear it under some trunks until
I got to the beach. I think surprising them like that would be entertaining for
me, but they would probably have some kind of issue with it all. I really wish
they would grow up just a little bit.

If they
could understand just how comfortable wearing a pouch swimwear design is, then
they would probably be the ones going out every weekend wearing them in public.
As it is though, it can be rather difficult to get any of them to change their
ways. I guess I will just have to live with the fact that they aren’t ever
going to accept the fact that I wear something like this and enjoy them when
they are not around. I have been having a lot of fun with my pouch and I have
no problems with keeping things the way they are for now. Maybe someday soon,
though, my pouch will become more acceptable to my friends.

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